When And Why You Need Hydrovac Excavation Services

Hydrovac Excavation is the practice of digging into the earth or soil using high-tech industrial equipment. A water wand is placed into the target region of soil to perform an excavation by a hydrovac truck. After then, a strong stream of pressured water is allowed to pass through as the earth relaxes. The slack dirt and water mixture is vacuumed into a storage tank frequently mounted to the vehicle through a vacuum line. The use of a pressurized stream of warm water to loosen the cold ground is preferred by Canadian companies over mechanical excavation. Business success comes easily to vacuum excavation companies. Mechanical excavation is often used as a replacement for hydro excavation. Soil and rock are mechanically excavated when large machines such as tractors are used for digging and cutting. To learn more, continue to keep reading this article till the end.

When And Why Do You Want Services For Hydrovac Excavation?

Companies offering hydrovac services often bring the hydrovac vehicle to the site. Then, the soil is transformed into a slurry by discharging highly pressured water, which binds together the soil’s particles. An air vacuum line is lowered to the ground and used to extract the dirt. Construction, pipe/pole installation, and utility line repairs are just some of the many common uses for hydrovac services.

Uses for Hydrovac in Earthmoving

Should use Hydrovac Excavation when.


Digging a tester hole, or “daylighting,” helps discover utilities like pipelines and gas lines that run below the earth. Hydrovac excavation is also risk-free since it does not compromise any of these infrastructures.

Staggered-Slot Trenching

Slot trenching is installing pipes, wires, and other underground facilities by drilling narrow lines into the earth. Because of the lower potential for harm to preexisting subsurface infrastructure, vacuum excavation contractors are favored over mechanical ones.

Cleanup Operations

Hydrovac excavation is the method of choice for more precise debris removal. Actual digging and enough truck space for trash are also beneficial.

The Dangers of Digging in the Snow

Hydrovac excavation is often used in Canada and other northern countries because of the freezing temperatures of the earth below. Since the earth becomes very hard in the winter, digging or excavating is a herculean feat. You may loosen the earth using hydrovac excavation by heating the pressure water.

Extraction using a Hydrovac Is Quick and Easy.

Hydrovac Excavation: Why You Should Hire Them

Accuracy Improved

Due to its lack of collateral damage, hydrovac excavation has mostly replaced its destructive mechanical equivalent. The scope of the excavation is, in a way, restricted to the region of our attention. Because the surrounding area was not disturbed, the excavation was done by hand rather than the machine. Vacuum excavation specialists beat mechanical contractors in this instance.

Garbage Pickup

Debris collection is often not possible during mechanical excavation. As a result, trash is often stashed to the side and collected at a later time. Hydrovac excavation, on the other hand, collects the debris in an associated storage tank where it can safely contain until a more appropriate disposal method can be used. And this aids in trash disposal in any manner you like.


Time savings are another perk of choosing Hydrovac excavation over mechanical excavation. Less dirt is dug up than necessary to accomplish the same goal. Accidental damage to subsurface utilities, such as pipes and gas lines, is also avoided, which saves time. 


Compared to conventional excavation, hydrovac excavation is superior, especially in colder climates. It’s less messy, more affordable, and faster than other methods. Based on feedback from satisfied customers all around the world. Hydrovac companies have established themselves as a market leader amongst vacuum excavation companies by providing affordable and reliable hydrovac services.

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